Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Hold Me Closer, Necromancer? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. In his quest to rescue Sam from Douglas, Ramon ends up doing what?

Turning into a were-bear
Destroying Michael
Dying at Douglas's hand
Fighting a zombie
Q. What does Douglas initially do to send a message to Sam?

Kills Brooke
Holds Ramon hostage
Sends Ling Tsu the panda after him
Sends a hoard of undead to his apartment
Q. What event in Sam's life most significantly contributes to his identity crisis?

Haley's birth
His mom being scared of him
His father's abandonment
His unpopularity
Q. How does Douglas acquire his power?

By killing lots of people, including his aunt
By building an army of zombie slaves
By placing the Council under a spell
By collecting blood
Q. What makes Sam's mom unique?

She has a forest in her front yard.
She grows herbs.
She's a witch.
She used to be in a rock band.