Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Hold Me Closer, Necromancer? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What makes a necromancer circle more powerful?

A secret handshake
Q. Why does Tia give Sam his middle name?

Because there's a giant crow outside the window when he's born
Because it is an old family name
Because it will give him special powers
Because it will cancel out his necromancing ability
Q. The blue aura increases in intensity according to what?

The strength of a necromancer's power
The necromancer's will to raise the dead
How dead a living thing is
How much Sam hates Douglas
Q. What is Sam's protective pouch supposed to do?

Keep zombies away
Hide his power
Make him invisible
Keep him in touch with reality
Q. What does Tia see crows as?

A bad omen
An indication of change
A good omen
Annoying, noisy birds