Hold Me Closer, Necromancer Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Hold Me Closer, Necromancer? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why does Douglas reanimate Ling Tsu?

Because he likes pandas
Because little kids at the zoo were freaking out
To keep an international incident with China from happening
To prove his power to Sam
Q. What finally moves Douglas to want to kill Sam?

Sam won't cooperate with his training.
Sam raises a higher-level entity from the dead.
Sam is an awful necromancer.
He gets bored with Sam.
Q. Ashley's favorite thing in the world is what?

Saddle shoes
Her Blackberry
Q. What does Douglas send Sam in the mail?

A dead crow
Brooke's head
Sam's protective pouch
Q. What must Sam do before he can put the whole ordeal with Douglas to rest?

Reunite Brooke's head with her body
Cure Ramon of his were-bear transformation
Kill the pukis
Forgive his father