Pure Chapter 19 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (Singing)

  • Back to the Partridge Family (can we please call them that?): they're on their way to Lombard Street.
  • They take an underground route and talk about Death Sprees. Pressia jabs at Partridge, telling him he'd be ten points if he were caught. Only ten points?
  • By the way, there's a lot of humor in this novel even though it has a morbid undertone.
  • They reach Lombard Street and climb aboveground; bits and pieces of buildings and streetlights are present, but the street as a whole is destroyed.
  • Partridge nervously walks around looking for Ten Fifty-four Lombard Street, and then hears faint singing. Of course, he follows it.
  • He goes inside the house with Pressia and calls out — a woman's voice answers and asks him for his name.
  • After he tells the person his name and hands her the photograph, she lifts a tarp that's covering her face, which is covered in glass shards. Just an old lady.
  • She convinces Partridge to take his scarf off, and then shakes her head and says, "You look like her." She's most likely referring his mother.
  • The sound of the Death Spree grows closer, and just as Partridge and Pressia start to leave, the woman says, "He broke her heart," then starts singing really loudly.