Pure Chapter 55 Summary

How It All Goes Down

El Capitan (Above)

  • Wondering what's been going on from above the hideout? Let's take a look at El Capitan's perspective.
  • El Capitan looks at the solider who has Lyda — it's Sedge — and he feels as if Sedge still might have a human side to him.
  • But then Sedge jabs a rifle into his ribs, saying, "I don't trust this one." So much for being a good guy.
  • Sedge then orders the rest of the soldiers to do reconnaissance; after they leave, Sedge tells El Capitan to protect Lyda when they return.
  • Hmm, looks like Sedge actually is still good.
  • The soldiers return, and Sedge thrusts Lyda into El Capitan, then opens fire on the rest of the soldiers.
  • An action-packed chapter ensues:
  • The soldiers start to override their programming and fight back; Bradwell is able to shoot one soldier; Sedge blows two to pieces; El Capitan arms himself and Lyda. Things are going great so far.
  • But then El Capitan is kicked in the stomach and is lifted off the ground because of the force. Bradwell shoots the solider who is down, but the soldier barely flinches. The soldier reloads its weapon and is about to shoot Bradwell, but then Sedge gets in the way of the bullet.
  • The soldier who shot Sedge is now up but stumbling around. El Capitan jumps on its soldiers.
  • All the sudden, Helmud (of all people) takes out a thin piece of wiry thread and begins to choke out the solider.
  • Lyda delivers the finishing blow with a knife. Woo, Lyda.
  • More dark humor: concerning the wiry thread, El Capitan asks Helmud, "Did you make this so you could kill me with it?" Helmud doesn't respond. His silence means yes.
  • Instead of being angry, El Capitan is extremely proud of his brother for wanting to kill him. What a duo.
  • Finally they see Partridge pulling himself up from the earth.