Pure Chapter 47 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (Light)

  • As they drive along the Deadlands, Bradwell makes Partridge recite the riddle on the birthday card again for El Capitan. El Capitan's got nothing.
  • Pressia looks at the blue eye of the swan pendant and thinks that maybe it's not really blue. Maybe you need some kind of 3-D lens.
  • That's a pretty astute observation for someone who doesn't know about about 3-D glasses, huh?
  • Partridge then teaches the bunch about 3-D glasses, and Pressia looks at the blue eye again. She positions it so it takes a different vantage point of the window.
  • She reaches one angle that shows a small white light; Partridge then does the same thing.
  • They decide to follow the light. Hopefully they get lucky, as El Capitan says (and Helmud echoes, "lucky").
  • Helmud might be smarter than he seems, folks.