Pure Chapter 56 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (Kiss)

  • So El Capitan and Helmud are bloodied and bruised, Bradwell is bleeding from his shoulder, and Lyda's white jumpsuit is covered in blood. Absolute carnage.
  • Partridge runs over to Sedge, who is dying. Sedge whispers, "You're the one."
  • Pressia and El Capitan are able to lift her mother out of the earth, and she crouches next to Sedge.
  • Sedge is able to smile just before he dies, and his mother kisses him on the forehead. In a sad but touching moment, it seems like Sedge's death is at least redeemed a little bit because he can see his mother's face.
  • But her kiss is followed by what sounds like the flip of a distant switch. Sedges head explodes, along with his mother's face.
  • Partridge is spun into a frenzy. He can see actions, but can't hear anything. Everyone is shouting, including himself.
  • He runs up to Pressia and demands her to open her eyes.
  • He yells into them that he is going to kill his father, and that he knows he is there.