Pure Chapter 40 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Pressia (East)

  • The scene: Bradwell is raging around the room and his bird wings are pulsating.
  • Pressia and Partridge talk about their mother, and Pressia realizes she is a bastard child. But she likes that title—it sounds tough.
  • Bradwell finally has an idea, and asks Partridge what his mother wrote in the birthday card.
  • The birthday card said: Always walk in the light. Follow your soul. May it have wings. You are my guiding star, like the one that rose in the east and guided the Wise Men.
  • They conclude that they must go east.
  • Bradwell adds that he is ready to go as well, and Pressia gets mad again because of his comment about the favor for her grandfather.
  • He gives her the swan pendant and tells her to wear it as a necklace.
  • Partridge agrees, and Pressia feels like she finally has something that is beautiful.