Pure Chapter 45 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (Small Rib Cages)

  • The chapter starts with some dark humor; the earth is quiet and Partridge points out that the Dusts might be having a feeding frenzy somewhere.
  • Bradwell responds that, "maybe the Dusts are busy devouring a bus full of schoolchildren… wouldn't that be lucky?"
  • Haha?
  • A miniature Dusts rise up from the earth like a wave. Bradwell lets out a "barbaric yawp" and charges.
  • Bradwell struggles to fend them off as Partridge and Pressia join the battle.
  • They look like they're about to be defeated when a car appears out of nowhere. It's El Capitan.
  • The car slams into the Dust waves and the three climb in; Partridge gets frightened by Helmud when he sees him on El Capitan's back.
  • Bradwell's wings are damaged, and they talk of finding medicine from Pressia and Partridge's mother.