Pure Chapter 27 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Lyda (Fingers)

  • Back to poor Lyda, who is still in the rehabilitation hospital.
  • Like she usually does, she looks out the window in her room. The redhead is there again, this time tapping the window with her fingers.
  • At first, Lyda thinks she's crazy, but then she realizes that she's tapping to the rhythm of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." So now Lyda knows she's crazy.
  • Disgusted, Lyda reaches under her bed, takes out her sitting mat, and rips the plastic strips apart. That'll show it.
  • But then she starts thinking about the song; could it mean something? She goes through the lyrics, but resolves that there's nothing special about it.
  • Except the fact that the alphabet is the same tune. Bingo. The redhead is trying to communicate with her.
  • Lyda goes back to the window and spells out, very slowly, H-I.
  • The redhead smiles, then spells out M-A-N-Y / O-F / U-S. / W-E / W-I-L-L. Then a guard walks by — ah, the suspense.
  • After the guards pass, she spells out O-V-E-R-T-H-R-O-W, to which Lyda responds, G-U-A-R-D-S?
  • Wrong. The redhead finally spells out, D-O-M-E, then T-E-L-L / H-I-M.
  • All hail the magical powers of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."