Repossessed Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I don't like the term "demon." It carries quite a bit of negativity with it. It implies a pointy tail and cloven hooves. I prefer the term "fallen angel." That is, indeed, what we are. (2.1)

Perhaps the reason Kiriel doesn't like the term demon is because everyone tosses it around like a dirty word. Hey, we wouldn't want to be called that either. His preference shows us how little we know about what it's like to be anything other than human.

Quote #5

The only uplifting times are when, usually after millennia of suffering, a single soul suddenly, for no reason that's apparent to me, decides that it's had enough, that it's paid the price for its wrongs, and it sort of twists itself inside out, shedding its misery to go free. It's a beautiful, memorable, and very rare event. (2.11)

A soul vanishing into the great abyss is beautiful and moving to Kiriel. Why? Because it's not suffering anymore. Think about watching people in pain day in and day out. Kiriel gets sick of it but manages to find the beauty in the moment it ends for people.

Quote #6

But from the way souls whine and moan around the afterlife, you'd think that Sloth and Envy were biggies, equal to murder. Why do they call them the Seven Deadly Sins? I couldn't tell you. And I have no influence on any of the souls I supervise. (3.3)

Kiriel makes sure to point out that he's just the messenger. He doesn't supervise or influence souls in any way, shape, or form; all he does is hold a mirror up for them. Sure, that sounds nicer than tormenting them, but he's still a part of the operation down there.