Repossessed Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

What if I gave some of the souls in my care a teensy nudge or two? Whispered in their ears—so to speak—that perhaps they could take mini-vacations of their own? A soul who'd left corporeal existence fairly recently would surely like to pay a comforting visit to a loved one. Souls who'd left the earthly plane long ago might enjoy a quick tour of the places their feet had once trod, to see how things had changed. A particularly weary soul might prefer to merely float in peaceful nothingness, leaving its torments behind for a bit. (24.75)

Do you think this would actually work? Sure, Kiriel wants to give others the relief he's gotten, but we can't imagine the Boss—or the Creator for that matter—would be too happy if everyone starting taking vacations.