Repossessed Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Rebellion wasn't a physical act, because we are not physical creatures. It was a spiritual uprising, an unauthorized outpouring of zeal. (5.28)

It's hard for us to wrap our heads around the idea of being spirits instead of humans. Still, Kiriel gives us glimpses into his life as a Fallen angel and we begin to get it. One perk of being a spirit? No physical body, so nothing is a huge fight in the way we think of it—no blood and guts to spill.

Quote #8

An eternity of wishing to speak directly to my Creator, I thought in despair—and this is how He finally contacts me? Through AOL Instant Messenger? (14.5)

Someone with the AOL user name angeloftheLord gets in touch with Kiriel and he starts questioning everything he knows about life. It's important to note that he still notices spirits wherever he goes. Whether he's on earth as a human or in hell as a demon, there are spirits everywhere.

Quote #9

Maybe the reason no one cares about my absence, I thought, is that I don't have to be there. Maybe my job is superfluous. Maybe the souls don't really need a mirror. (20.56)

Kiriel questions this, but eventually, he's summoned back to hell. He wishes he could control what happens with all angels and demons, but the truth is that he can't. Translation: souls do need a mirror.