The Body of Christopher Creed Chapter 17 Summary

  • The next day at school is a whirlwind for Torey, and for his friends. Bo actually shows up at school because he doesn't want to hide.
  • Ali hangs out with the boons and everyone gossips about that (crossing boundaries), plus rumor has it that Bo is getting arrested sometime today.
  • Torey joins the boons at their table, which is way weird for everyone. Bo commands one of his friends to give Torey half a sandwich because he looks skinny, then he sends Ali off to buy some fries for lunch.
  • Shortly after this, though, Mrs. Creed and police chief come in to the cafeteria and arrest Bo for the possible murder of Chris Creed.
  • To try to get out of it, he and Ali explain where the disk with the email came from, but Mrs. Creed denies that Chris would ever write a note like that, saying he was a happy child.
  • Torey finally fesses up to making the call as they are about to cart Bo away, and the chief is angry at Torey for messing with the arrest. Mrs. Creed keeps squawking over the noise and is uninvited to the police station.
  • The principal, Mr. Ames, jumps in and covers Torey's mouth to keep him out of trouble.
  • Next, Torey and Ali are brought to Mr. Ames's office as he invites Mrs. Creed in and says they want to tell her about Chris.