The Body of Christopher Creed Chapter 23 Summary

  • Back in the dorm at Rothborne, Torey is a part of a nasty prank some guys play on Leo, the weird kid. But the prank goes wrong.
  • When an envelope full of shaving cream pops outside Leo's door, the other guys run away but Torey stays right there.
  • He gets caught but Leo has no idea that it is a prank. He's just thrilled that someone is at his door—no one has ever knocked on his door before.
  • Torey kind of blows him off, but then apologizes for freaking out on him the other day about the computer and stuff.
  • Leo asks if he was all bent out of shape about the guy he's looking for.
  • Come again? Torey is confused. How does Leo know about Chris? Evidently Leo "accidentally" saw Torey's website when he "borrowed" his computer, you know, without asking.
  • Figures. Torey goes back to his room to avoid dealing with such someone who breaks through all boundaries.
  • Back in his room, Torey reads another doc called Creedmore.doc.
  • After his stay in the mental health facility, Torey goes back home but not back to school; he finishes eleventh grade from home.
  • He doesn't talk to anyone anymore, even though he spends some time with Bo and Ali once in a while. That is, until they break up at the end of the school year so that Ali can go to Boston University. Bo gets a job at the gas station and wants to go into the Army.
  • Renee doesn't learn any lessons and gossips and lies about everyone all the time. Sheesh.
  • And though Alex apologizes to Torey, he is still so immature and hasn't done any real reflecting, so Torey cannot be his friend any longer.
  • It turns out that Mrs. Creed knew about Chris's letter the whole time because he read it to her the night before he went missing. His bro, Justin, laid it all out for his principal.
  • The best thing to come out of all this, at least as far as Torey's concerned, is that he finally has something decent to write songs about, and they begin spilling out of him.
  • Also, he figures that Chris did actually die in a way, because he most likely left his old life behind for a new one.
  • Over the year, Torey has built a website to find Chris, and has sent Creed.doc to eighty people, all with a combination of names of the people Chris referenced as people that he admired, including Torey. He figures Chris may have taken on a new name when he left so that no one would find him.
  • And he's gotten a bunch of responses form people on Creed.doc, too, and we get to read the ones he's given awards to.
  • Most Flattering Reply likes his writing style; Most Insulting Reply cannot accept what was written about the Creed parents nor the military; Reply Most Likely to Be from Chris Creed is all about correcting his grammar.
  • Reply that Makes Me Believe Totally That Chris is Alive is a convincing letter responding to many of the conclusions Torey came to about life while writing Creed.doc, and also talks about what Chris probably needs and doesn't need at this time. Like, he doesn't want to be found until he is old enough to be an adult and not under his parents' control any longer. This letter is certainly written by Chris and is signed, Victor Adams.