The Body of Christopher Creed Chapter 22 Summary

  • In the hospital, Torey refuses to eat and the nurse is fed up with him. She tries everything to get him to put food in his mouth, but he just ignores her, saying silly rhymes to himself.
  • The nurse gets him to take one bite of oatmeal, but it tastes disgusting to him and he refuses to eat any more.
  • We learn that he hasn't eaten in five days. The nurse calls his therapist down and before the man walks in, Torey sniffs at a lemon wedge from his water. It smells burnt, though, so he tosses it.
  • It lands on his cast, which he thinks is burning his skin.
  • The doctor is curious about how Torey is doing.
  • The only thing Torey will talk about is why Jesus is drawn wearing a loin cloth rather than naked, and they agree that our culture has issues with sex and violence.
  • Torey asks if he got hit in the head, but Dr. Fahdi says that his issues are from emotional trauma.
  • Wanting to see Ali pretty badly, he just can't understand why he has to eat first. Torey thinks about how his perfect life collapsed into a pile of rubble.
  • Torey's stay in a mental health facility for a few weeks is a blur.
  • Apparently the body he found is Bob Haines, not Chris, though Torey has a hard time believing his mother when she says as much.
  • And there was no fire either—just a perfectly preserved body beginning to fall apart from sudden contact with oxygen.
  • And still no sign of Chris.