The Body of Christopher Creed Genre

Young Adult Literature; Mystery; Coming-of-Age

Not to blow your minds or anything, Shmoopers, but nine times out of ten when there's a mystery at the center of a book's plot, the book falls into the mystery genre. Go figure, right? And since the thing driving the plot in this story is the mysterious disappearance of Chris Creed, well, it's safe to say that this book definitely fits neatly on the shelves of the mystery section of your local bookstore.

The mystery section isn't the only good home for this book, though, and you could just as easily find it over on the young adult shelves. That's because teens run the show in this book (even if adults get in their way from time to time, and occasionally offer a bit of support), and, in many ways, it's centered on the trials and tribulations of high school. We're talking sex, addiction, cliques, and more. Add the coming-of-age elements to the mix, like Torey's transformation from passive popular kid to someone who speaks his own truth and follows his own heart, and this one should definitely keep YA readers happy.