The Body of Christopher Creed Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

People can love their lies, tell their lies, believe their own lies until hell pays a visit. (1.74)

This is a pretty intense way of looking at people, but is it true? Maybe. So what makes people stop all the lying? Torey thinks it happens when they go through something terrible, but Renee goes through her dad's affair and him leaving the house and she still lies like a champ, so what gives?

Quote #2

[…] the Church is always saying you shouldn't lie and here was one. […] he said to me, "Torey, it's not a lie, it's a cover-up." (2.9)

Is there a difference between lying and covering up the truth? As far as Torey's concerned, nope. He feels terrible when he doesn't say anything about making the call and Bo gets pinned for it, and even calls it the biggest lie he's told yet.

Quote #3

[…] What are you thinking about, O abnormal one? After a minute, I decided on Band. Who's coming over to strum' 'n drum? (2.15-16)

In order to cover up his big secret, the thing that makes him feel weird (which, for the record, is just thinking about stuff), Torey lies about what he's thinking about. Is it okay to lie if it is done in the name of self-protection? Torey doesn't think his friends will accept him for who he is in all his quirky glory.