The Body of Christopher Creed Chapter 18 Summary

  • Mr. Ames invites Torey to tell Mrs. Creed a little about Chris's social life at school in order to help her understand who he was.
  • Trying to be nice, while Mrs. Creed sits uncomfortably proud, Torey says that Chris was a good kid but different, but Mrs. Creed butts in time and again to say that she would never let him be a bad kid.
  • Mr. Ames tries to help her see and listen but she doesn't want to; she says that he thinks she is being like Bob Haines, and denies any similarity.
  • Also, and with complete confidence, Mrs. Creed says there is no way her son could have written the note because he was happy.
  • Ali mentions that there is no way he could be happy when he wasn't allowed to do the same things as everyone else, like go to dances and stuff, at which point Mrs. Creed majorly flips out, going off about how rough her life growing up as a boon kids was and saying that boon kids can be murderers.
  • Mr. Ames is pretty uncomfortable with the accusation, but she does not let it go.
  • Getting up the guts, Torey interrupts and says that he made the phone call so that Bo could find evidence of his innocence and Ali chimed in with her tale of finding the email at the library.
  • Cue: Mrs. Creed in attack mode. She rushes Ali and hisses that they are lying, saying that she will not give up until she destroys Bo's life because he destroyed hers.
  • After Mrs. Creed takes off, Mr. Ames is stunned and says that he should have known Digger's story would happen again since nobody learned to be self-reflective the last time.