The Body of Christopher Creed Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I think the worst thing about him was the undying combo of big mouth and huge grin. […] He'd come bounding up to the same kids who had told him yesterday to get lost like he was their best friend. (2.27)

Poor Chris… he just didn't get it. Or did he? The more we learn about Chris, the more we understand how desperately he needed to believe that he wasn't an outcast. Otherwise he probably would have gotten really depressed. It was his optimism and blindness to truth that allowed him to carry on with life.

Quote #2

Alex shrugged like it was the only acceptable thing to do. This sort of thing was always going on around Creed. (3.16)

For some reason, the kids in Steepleton thought it was okay to beat Chris up because he was different, despite the fact that he'd never done anything wrong or hurtful to anyone. Perhaps if someone had stood up for Chris, this might've changed because their violence would have been less socially acceptable.

Quote #3

"People who can't even stand me have been coming up to me all morning."

"Who can't stand you?" I asked, confused. Yeah, guys joked about her sex life. But there's a difference between saying a girl is easy and saying you hate her. Nobody said that. (4.17)

Some people feel like they don't fit into the majority group and then do things that make them stand out even more. Like Ali. Maybe nobody actually hated her, but that isn't important—Ali's been feeling like an outsider and this makes her think that others see her the same way.