The Body of Christopher Creed Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I guess in some people's minds Sunday is an unusual day for bad luck because it's a religious day, and people's lives should get better on a religious day, or at least remain equalized until Monday. (2.1)

Religion: making people think certain days are special for eons.

Quote #2

[…] I would think, If the Bible is so magical that people around here quote it all the time, how come it can't perform the magic that would keep church from being boring? Whatever. (2.5)

Good one, Torey. Church might seem boring, but the point isn't usually to entertain, but to teach. Torey's own transformation isn't exactly a good time, either, though he certainly learns a whole lot along the way.

Quote #3

[…] Christ was wearing this little cloth, like a loincloth. It was as if the story had to be added to, so as not to disgust people too much. (2.8)

Throughout the book, Torey is hung up on this fact: in order for the majority of people to accept a truth, it has to be changed to make them feel more comfortable. And he applies this same fact to other situations as well to try to get a grip on psychology, community, and where he fits in.