The Body of Christopher Creed Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Being that Sunday is the first day of the week, I guess Sunday was a fitting day for my life to start to crash. (2.1)

As Torey's peers respond apathetically to Chris's disappearance, empathy clicks on in Torey. At this point, he seems pretty reluctant about it, though.

Quote #2

I think my life changed as the words in that note bounced around my head. (3.50)

Nothing like realizing your life impacts other people's to inspire you to switch out of autopilot mode and start paying attention. Chris's wish that he were born Torey instead of himself is a bit of a wake-up call to our main man.

Quote #3

I nodded, looking her up and down, noticing little things about how Ali was changing. (4.34)

Personal transformations can take a long time and happen gradually in small ways, like with Ali. She slowly pulls away from her friend group and adds little details to her appearance that make her stand out: a necklace here, a cigarette there.