We Were Liars Chapter 28 Summary

  • Cadence finds a pad of graph paper and writes down all her memories of summer fifteen.
  • Here's what she remembers: Mirren holding a jug of gas; Johnny running from Clairmont to the boathouse; Harris holding onto a tree, in the light of a bonfire; her mom asking about black pearls; the Liars laughing until they felt dizzy and sick.
  • She makes a separate page for what she remembers about the accident—namely, that she went swimming alone and hit her head on a rock.
  • She pins the pages to the wall over her bed and decides that for the next four weeks, which is how long she'll be on Beechwood, she'll write down everything she learns.
  • A headache hits, and she takes her pills and turns out the light. Penny says it's time to go to New Clairmont.
  • Cadence is so out of it from the pain and the drugs, though, that Penny leaves without her.