We Were Liars Chapter 37 Summary

  • Penny tells Cadence she heard balls on the tennis court, and is delighted Cadence is taking up tennis again.
  • Cadence isn't actually taking up tennis again, but she doesn't tell her mother that.
  • She remembers something from summer fifteen, approximately two weeks before her accident: Everyone was having dinner at Clairmont, and Harris asked if he should renovate the Boston house.
  • Bess said no. Penny said she didn't like the décor. Carrie said it was timeless.
  • Harris said he could just sell it.
  • The aunts freaked out. They all wanted the Boston house—it was where they grew up, and it was worth four million bucks.
  • Bess wanted it most, and she was the only one with enough kids to fill it, so she said she'd be happy to help with whatever renovations Harris wanted done.
  • Drunken arguing ensued.
  • Now it's summer seventeen, and the sisters are sitting in the New Clairmont garden with their arms around each other, being all huggy. Cadence isn't sure what changed.