We Were Liars Chapter 55 Summary

  • Cadence wakes up in the middle of the night, remembering something from summer fifteen: Carrie was outside, doubled over, shaking and crying, wearing Johnny's jacket.
  • Cadence leaves Windemere and goes to Cuddledown, where Mirren is awake and sitting on the couch.
  • Cadence asks Mirren what happened during summer fifteen, but Mirren gives the standard line: The doctors have said Cadence is supposed to remember on her own.
  • Mirren asks what Cadence thinks happened, and Cadence says she thinks she must have been attacked.
  • She asks why Mirren never leaves Cuddledown, and asks if Mirren has agoraphobia.
  • Mirren says she's sick all the time, and that if Cadence felt like she did, Cadence wouldn't go out either.
  • For once, Cadence doesn't mention her headaches. Instead, she goes to the kitchen and gets Mirren a ginger ale.