We Were Liars Resources


E is for Emily

Here's E. Lockhart's website, with links to everything you could ever want to know. Well, about her books, anyway. Everything you want to know about, say, ancient Greece is housed elsewhere on the Internet.

The Boyfriend List

Lockhart gets other authors to list their exes on her blog.


The Lowdown on the Movie Version

Good news: Lockhart wrote the script for We Were Liars, the movie.


Publishers Weekly Breaks it Down

Why, exactly, is Lockhart so good at YA literature? Here's Publishers Weekly's take.

Kirkus Reviews Talks to Lockhart About Romance

No cheesy love stories for Lockhart, thankyouverymuch. She had something else in mind for Cadence and Gat.

The American Library Association Asks Tough Questions

Leave it to a bunch of librarians to get Lockhart to reveal what was hard for her about being a teen.


The Google Play Interview

Lockhart's worst moment as an author "happens every day when I look at the blank page."

The Amazon Books Interview

What are Lockhart's favorite twisty, turny books? Find out here.

The Goodreads Interview

Lockhart tells us who her favorite creative person is. (Hint: it's a musician.) You can also see her tattoos and what she writes on the backs of her hands.


Audiobook Excerpt

Here's the beginning of We Were Liars, as read by Ariadne Meyers.

Random House Audio

Here's where you can listen to audiobook excerpts of Lockhart's other novels and choose your next favorite.


Where Was Cuddledown, Again?

Need a map of Beechwood Island and the Sinclair family tree? Tumblr, per usual, has you covered.

Would You Like a Hand With That?

Just like Cadence and Gat, Lockhart writes on her hands.

Here You Go, Raquel

Cadence finds Gat stuffing dried beach roses into an envelope for his girlfriend. Here's what they look like.