We Were Liars Part 3: Summer Seventeen / Chapter 23 Summary

  • Carrie meets Penny and Cadence in the port town of Woods Hole, and they get on the boat to Beechwood.
  • As they drive up to the island, Cadence sees Cuddledown and Windemere; she's thinking about how she's about to see Gat.
  • She looks for the Clairmont turret but doesn't see it, and instead she sees a sleek, modern house with a Japanese garden. Carrie tells her it's New Clairmont.
  • Cadence knew Harris was renovating, but she didn't know he'd torn his whole house down. He also cut down the big tree with the tire swing, where she used to play with the Liars.
  • Her neck starts to spasm, and it feels like she's drowning. Penny, ever the loving, nurturing caregiver, tells her to "be normal."
  • She sees the Liars—including Gat—standing on the shore waving to her.