We Were Liars Chapter 42 Summary

  • On the way home, Cadence has a memory of summer fifteen.
  • She was having breakfast with Harris at Clairmont—there was a goose statue in the kitchen, and she told him she loved it.
  • He told her the story of how he and Tipper bought it in China, along with several other ivory statues.
  • Cadence says she thought ivory was illegal. Harris says you can still get it, meaning you can get it if you have enough money.
  • She remembers that one of his mottos has always been "don't take no for an answer."
  • Cadence told him that Gat had been reading about why you shouldn't buy ivory, and Harris got mad and said he didn't care what Gat was reading.
  • Cadence suggested selling the statues and donating the money to a wildlife conservatory, but Harris told her not to tell him what to do with his money.
  • Back to summer seventeen: They're back from Martha's Vineyard. As Harris docks the boat, Cadence says she misses Tipper.