We Were Liars Themes

We Were Liars Themes


Try to imagine spending your entire summer in isolation on a remote island with only your family for company. Sure, the Liars get fancy houses and private boats, but all the opulence comes at a pri...

Versions of Reality

We Were Liars is one of those books that keep you guessing about reality until the last chapter. Is Cadence mentally ill? Did someone attack her? Is she a drug addict? Is Cuddledown really haunted?...


Oh, Gat. We see you over there, with your wavy hair and big vocabulary and endless reading material. What (straight) girl wouldn't want an envelope full of beach roses from you? In We Were Liars, C...


Penny, Carrie, and Bess, the three daughters of Harris and Tipper Sinclair in We Were Liars, make Cinderella's wicked stepsisters look like best friends. Wealth has made them ill-equipped for the r...

Foreignness and "The Other"

Let's face it: The Sinclairs are rich, white, blonde, and they own an island. Martha's Vineyard? That's for the proletariat. So when Ed and his nephew Gat arrive on Beechwood being all Indian and s...

The Home

In We Were Liars, the Sinclairs define themselves by their houses, though they're not particularly concerned with making them feel like homes. Bess, Carrie, and Penny fight over the Boston house in...


Spoiler alert: The twist ending in We Were Liars is about fire, and the fire is about power. After being subjected to Harris's whims their whole lives, the Liars are hungry for revenge. Carrie, Pen...


The first death in We Were Liars is Tipper's, and with the matriarch gone, the island is a very different place, with far less tasty food. Cadence misses her grandmother a lot, but Tipper quickly g...