Sarah, Plain and Tall Contrasting Regions Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"'Dear William,'" Sarah read to us by lantern light that night. "'Sliding down our dune of hay is almost as fine as sliding down the sand dunes into the sea.'" (5.28)

Sarah doesn't just try to bring the sea to the Witting family; she tries to explain to her brother what the prairie is like too. She wants to share both worlds with the people that she loves.

Quote #8

"And is there wind?" she asked.

"Do you like wind?" asked Caleb.

"There is wind by the sea," said Sarah.

"There is wind here," said Caleb happily. (6.20-23)

Well, there are some commonalities between Maine and the Midwest after all. Caleb is delighted to discover one thing that Sarah won't miss out on by living with them: the wind.

Quote #9

Sarah smiled. "I had a garden in Maine with dahlias and columbine. And nasturtiums the color of the sun when it sets. I don't know if nasturtiums would grow here."

"Try," said Maggie. "You must have a garden." (7.28-29)

Sarah might not be able to have the exact same plants in her new garden (thanks to the different climate and all), but Maggie tells her to grow one anyway. It will still be her garden, just a bit different than what she's used to.