Sarah, Plain and Tall Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Sarah smiled. "I had a garden in Maine with dahlias and columbine. And nasturtiums the color of the sun when it sets. I don't know if nasturtiums would grow here."

"Try," said Maggie. "You must have a garden." (7.28-29)

When Maggie gives Sarah new plants, she's also trying to remind her new friend that she doesn't have to give up everything when she comes here. She can also start something new—like a fledgling garden, with favorite flowers from home.

Quote #8

"Today? Can we begin today?" asked Sarah.

"Tomorrow is best," said Papa, looking worried. "I have to fix the house roof. A portion of it is loose. And there's a storm coming." (8.18-19)

Sarah wants to learn how to drive the wagon right away, but being a part of a family sometimes means compromise. Jacob promises that he'll teach her tomorrow… as long as they finish fixing the roof.

Quote #9

"We thought you might be thinking of leaving us," I told her. "Because you miss the sea."

Sarah smiled.

"No," she said. "I will always miss my old home, but the truth of it is I would miss you more." (9.50-51)

Sarah misses the ocean, but she knows that she values the new family she's made more. Even though she'll be giving up her old family and home, she's willing to make this sacrifice for Jacob, Anna, and Caleb.