Sarah, Plain and Tall Sacrifice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You are lonely, yes?" asked Maggie in her soft voice.

Sarah's eyes filled with tears. Slowly I stirred the the dough.

Maggie reached over and took Sarah's hand.

"I miss the hills of Tennessee sometimes," she said. (7.11-14)

Maggie and Sarah have both had to give up places they love—and the lives they lived there—in order to get married and move to the prairie. Even with time, it isn't easy to think about their old homes.

Quote #5

"I miss my brother William," said Sarah. "But he is married. The house is hers now. Not mine any longer. There are three old aunts who squawk together like crows at dawn. I miss them, too." (7.19)

In gaining a new family with the Wittings, Sarah has to give up the one she grew up with—including her brother and all those silly old aunts. It's a difficult trade, but it's one that she agrees to in the end.

Quote #6

"There are always things to miss," said Maggie. "No matter where you are." (7.20)

Maggie reminds Sarah that the transition to living on the prairie with a new family isn't a simple one. She'll always miss her hometown in some ways, but she'll also come to love this new home.