The Sign of the Beaver Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It came over Matt with a rush of shame how very shabby he must look in their eyes. Even if Attean had warned him, what could he have done? He had no other clothes to wear. Probably Attean had known that and so had said nothing. (16.12)

What a good friend. Despite Attean's disdain for all things white, he still cares about Matt's feelings. He could have made Matt feel like a real idiot… but he didn't. That's man love for sure.

Quote #5

Matt felt his own muscles tense with anger. His mind was made up in an instant. […] Turtle tribe or no, he was not going to walk away from Attean's dog. Somehow he had to get that dog out of the trap. (18.7)

Why does Attean's dog mean so much to Matt in this moment? The dog is smelly, ugly, and mean. Why go so far to protect it?

Quote #6

Without speaking, the woman tended him, washing his hand with clean warm water. From a painted gourd she scooped a pungent-smelling paste and spread it over the wound, then bound his hand with a length of clean blue cotton. (18.36)

The Indians respect nature and, it seems, injured white boys. Saknis cares for Matt when he's sick, and even Attean's grandmother, the White Man Hater, seeks to tend his wound. Compassion is more important than prejudice in this case.