The Sign of the Beaver Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Sign of beaver," he said. "Belong to family."


"Sign show beaver house belong to people of beaver," Attean explained. "By and by, when young beaver all grown, people of beaver hunt here. No one hunt but people of beaver." (11.30, 32)

Family means more than blood to Attean—each Indian family also has an understood territory in which to hunt and trap. It's a Penobscot thing.

Quote #5

"Not beaver hunting ground," he said. "Turtle clan hunt here." He pointed to a nearby tree. On the bark Matt could just make out a crude scar that had a shape somewhat like a turtle. He was indignant.

"We found it," he said. "You mean you're just going to leave it here because of a mark on a tree?"

"Beaver people not take animal on turtle land," Attean repeated. (13.10-12)

When it comes to family traditions and respect for boundaries, Attean will not budge—his loyalty always starts with his culture and family customs. He's not alone. Because of this kind of respect, the turtle and beaver clans can live side-by-side without hating (or hurting) each other.

Quote #6

Once he caught his breath, Matt found it simple to follow the step. His confidence swelled as the rhythm throbbed through his body, loosening his tight muscles. He was suddenly filled with excitement and happiness. He own heels pounded against the hard ground. He was one of them. (16.26)

Finally, after a whole summer alone, Matt feels like he belongs somewhere. It's kind of how Harry feels each time he returns to Hogwarts: home.