The Sign of the Beaver Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Thinking of his father, he felt that snake of worry crawling about behind every other thought. That worry was becoming more frequent every day. What could have kept his father so long? (16.1)

Matt can't focus on his worry about his family, or he'll go crazy. He becomes an expert snake-charmer as a result, controlling the snake of worry while focusing on his personal survival.

Quote #8

Only one dog in the world looked like that. It was caught by its foreleg, […] and it was frantic with pain and fear. Its eyes were glazed, and white foam dripped from its open jaws. (18.7)

Interestingly enough, despite its intense fear the dog still doesn't let Matt touch him. Or perhaps its fear has only made the dog even wilder. What do you think?

Quote #9

Saknis looked at him soberly. "Maybe him not come," he said quietly.

Anger flared up in Matt. He could not allow this man to speak the fear he had never dared to admit to himself. (21.12-13)

Saknis just gave Matt a sucker punch to his fear center. Ouch.