The Sign of the Beaver Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Piz wat," Attean said. "Good for nothing. No good for hunt. No sense. Him fight anything—bear, moose." There was no mistaking the pride in Attean's voice. (11.13)

Attean can't hide the love he feels for his pooch. The mongrel may be a big waste of space, but Attean loves him.

Quote #8

For some reason he could not explain to himself, he trusted Attean. He didn't really like him. […] But somehow, as they had sat side by side, day after day, doing the lessons that neither of them wanted to do, something had changed. […] They didn't like each other, but they were no longer enemies. (11.22)

What changed? How could spending time together change the way they feel about one other?

Quote #9

Matt floated face down, grateful for the coolness against his burning cheeks. All at once a brown arm circled his neck and dragged him under. Squirming free, he seized a black head in both hands, and the two boys went down together. Suddenly Matt was enjoying himself. It was almost as good as being back in Quincy again. (19.17)

Part of what makes friendship super-awesome is the feeling of belonging it inspires. Matt finally feels a piece of that when he douses the Indian boys, and they include him in their games.