The Sign of the Beaver Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Sign of the Beaver? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Attean kill rabbits without a gun?

He catches them with snares
He smokes them out of their holes
He lassos them
He uses blow-darts to poison them
Q. What does Attean chew on like gum?

Deer pellets
Pine sap
Spruce needles
Q. What does Matt use to shine his bow?

Furniture polish
Water from the stream
Candle wax
Leftover fish stew
Q. How does Attean catch fish?

He spears them
He uses his brand-new fly rod from the local outdoors supercenter
He fishes from his canoe with a rod
He grabs the fish with his bare hands
Q. How do Matt and Attean find their way in the woods?

They leave breadcrumbs
They use the sun as a compass
They follow Indian marks on trees
They always bring Attean's dog with them