The Sign of the Beaver Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The fact was, Matt was a little jealous of Attean. A dog would be mighty fine company here in the woods, no matter how scrawny it looked. (11.19)

Some people scoff at the whole man's-best-friend thing, but there really is something to it, at least for Matt. Just having someone/thing as a companion makes a huge difference.

Quote #8

Suppose his father had met with a bear? Suppose he had never got back to Quincy? How would his mother know where to find this place, or even where to send anyone to look for him? Matt hugged his arms around his chest. But the cold was inside. It would not go away. (16.2)

This is the underlying fear that Matt often hides. He's not so much scared of being alone as he is of being alone without his family and without ever knowing what happened to them. That's his real fear.

Quote #9

Matt's heart slowed its pounding. There was nothing to fear in this place, but after the weeks of stillness in his cabin the noise was confusing. (16.18)

Ever watched a movie after a camping trip? Or gone to a family reunion after studying for a big test? Going from quiet to noisy can be a bit overwhelming at first.