The Sign of the Beaver Man and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Then they walked back to the cabin, Matt swinging his catch as nonchalantly as he had seen Attean do.

"You don't need to bring me any more food," he boasted. "I'll catch my own meat from now on." (9.13-14)

Oh, Matt. We'll chalk this up to a rookie mistake. The silly kid catches one animal, and suddenly he thinks he's king of the forest. Luckily for him, Attean knows better.

Quote #5

Why had Attean brought him out here, anyway? Had Attean just wanted to show off his own cleverness, and to make Matt look more clumsy than ever? […] For a moment Matt glared back at Attean with a scowl as black as any Indian's. (10.14)

These are good questions. Why do you think Attean made Matt fish on his own? Was it because he liked to make fun of Matt? Because he wanted Matt to learn to be self-sufficient? Both? Neither?

Quote #6

Sometimes he would just hang around and watch Matt do the chores. He would stand at the edge of the corn patch and look on while Matt pulled up weeds.

"Squaw work," he commented once.

Matt flushed. "We think it's a man's work," he retorted. (11.3-5)

Different cultures expect different things of men and women. In Attean's culture, men hunt while women farm, but this isn't the case in Matt's culture.