The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Mom has a hard time talking about my body. Her shrink side wants to reassure me that I'm fine the way I am, accept myself, all that self-esteem stuff. But her Mom side wants me to be thin and perfect, like the rest of the Shreves. (5.61)

Sometimes shrinks are the most messed-up people of all. Virginia's mom listens to other teenagers' problems all day, then comes home and ignores her own teenager.

Quote #5

The truth is, if you want to be an MBS, you have to dress a certain way (preppy/urban/chic) and look a certain way (white/skinny/flawless skin). Except, of course, when Brewster is taking pictures for their promotional booklets. Then the MBS is black/Asian/Latino/Indian/biracial, but still skinny and without a zit in sight. (6.38)

The Model Brewster Student is white, but the Brewster Student Models are brown.

Quote #6

Besides, it's a Shreves family policy to not talk about our dirty laundry—in public and usually not even in private. It's sort of like if you don't discuss it, it didn't happen. (16.46)

This is why Anaïs calls her mom Cleopatra, Queen of Denial. (See what she did there?)