The Tale of Despereaux Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He said nothing in defense of himself. How could he? Everything his aunt and uncle said was true. He was ridiculously small. His ears were obscenely large. He had been born with his eyes open. And he was sickly. He coughed and sneezed so often that he carried a handkerchief in one paw at all times. He ran temperatures. He fainted at loud sounds. Most alarming of all, he showed no interest in the things a mouse should show interest in. (2.14)

Despereaux's family wasn't big on inclusion. The book is full of examples on the sad consequences of feeling different and isolated; it sure doesn't do a lot for Despereaux's self-confidence.

Quote #2

"The story? What story?" Merlot stared at him. A piece of paper trembled at the end of one of her indignant whiskers. "It's just like Pa said when you were born. Something is not right with you." She turned and scurried from the library to tell her parents about this latest disappointment. (3.24)

Merlot just doesn't know what to do with her oddball little brother, so she runs away. If Shmoop was a mouse and had a brother who could read, we'd probably be all over it.

Quote #3

Despereaux's brothers and sisters soon abandoned the thankless task of trying to educate him in the ways of being a mouse.

And so Despereaux was free. (4.1-2)

The author is trying to point out the upside of isolation: You can do your own thing. Instead of feeling left out, Despereaux is relieved. Even though he's been shut out, it beats being constantly ridiculed.