The Great Wide Sea Chapter 6 Summary

  • The good news is that Ben gets his own room on the boat. The bad news is that it doesn't seem to be waterproof.
  • He stashes his mom's picture in a book. That's the only place it seems safe from the water.
  • Ben gives us a little tour of the boat. Everyone has his own room, but they're all super small.
  • Dad has been shopping for boat stuff: a GPS, a new motor, life jackets, emergency supplies, etc.
  • Dylan's the navigator. He's good at all the math stuff that job involves. Ben's job is more hands-on boat repair stuff.
  • Soon enough the boat is ready, packed with food and water. Dad sells the car and walks back to the boat. This year on the ocean thing just got real.
  • The night they set off, Ben has insomnia. Dylan and Gerry seem to be sleeping just fine.
  • Ben's remembering the last night his family had at their house. Ben gets a notion to run away.
  • As he sneaks out of the house, he catches a glimpse of his father, who's sort of mooning over his dead wife's apron. The movers left it behind on accident.
  • Gerry's calling for his mother. Ben's dad seems unmoved. Ben goes to check on him. In the morning, they leave the house.
  • The flashback finished, Ben's thoughts return to the boat where he's trying to fall asleep. He feels unsettled and upset.