The Great Wide Sea Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The last time I hugged her, I was exactly as tall as she was. Your own mom always seems so big, and then one day you have this shock of realizing you are as tall as she is. (2.1)

Ben starts the book by realizing he and his mother are the same height. At the end, he looks his father in the eye. Nice symmetry, no?

Quote #2

When it was time to dress for the funeral, he went into his room and shut the door. Usually he helped with our ties, but this time I had to do it for everyone. (2.4)

After his mom's death, Ben has to take on a lot of new responsibilities. In a way, he's filling in for his mom and his dad.

Quote #3

"Happy birthday," Gerry said.

"Surprise," Dylan said.

"Oh," Dad said. "I forgot."

"I did too," I said. I was sixteen now. "Thank you, Gerry," I said. I looked at the rusty little car sitting in the torn paper and closed my fist around the toy. (16.59)

For his sixteenth birthday, Ben ends up getting a toy car instead of the real one he had dreamed about for so long.