The Great Wide Sea The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I loved to sail. But I also loved to come home, and this time we weren't coming home. (1.23)

After his mother's death, Ben is adrift. Literally. Like, in the middle of the ocean.

Quote #2

"I guess you guys saw that I listed the house for sale," he said. "I was going to tell you first. I didn't know the sign would go up so fast." (3.23)

Do you think the Byron family could have healed better if they had just stayed at home? Why or why not?

Quote #3

"I hate you and I hate this boat and I want to go home," Gerry said.

"You're there, Gerry," I said. "This is home now." (4.26-4.27)

By the way, Gerry, spoiler alert: your new home isn't waterproof.