The Great Wide Sea Isolation and Loneliness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I wanted to spend the summer alone. I didn't want to talk to anybody. I just wanted to sleep, ride my bike to the lake, and sail away. I wanted to stay gone all day and then come home late, take a long shower, and go back to bed. (5.1)

Poor Ben ends up with the opposite of his wish. Instead of spending the summer alone, he spends it on a tiny boat with his entire family.

Quote #2

For my birthday last year, Mom had asked me if I wanted a party. I told her no. I told her I wanted to take the boat out, just Andrew and me, and camp out at one of the coves on the lake. […] In the end, I didn't invite Andrew. I decided I wanted to go by myself. (13.19)

Whoa. Ben's birthday celebration of solitude sounds pretty intense.

Quote #3

Boats would sail by, but they wouldn't see me. […] I would float and float and float. No one would ever find me. I shivered and grabbed the last foot of the line as it slid by. (14.37-14.38)

The book makes it sound like it's pretty easy to get lost at sea. Be careful out there, people.