The Great Wide Sea Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

In my mind, I looked at the line and it was like looking over the edge of a cliff and falling. Falling and falling and falling. Straight into the bottomless sea. (6.32)

As his family departs for a year at sea, Ben seems afraid. What about this makes him so nervous?

Quote #2

Gerry clung to the lifelines, moving so slowly that I had the sail hanked on and was raising it before he sat down in the companionway, frightened and chilled. (7.35)

Poor Gerry is extremely afraid of the water. This is unfortunate considering he's spending an entire year at sea.

Quote #3

I squatted down in front of Gerry and looked him in the eye. I couldn't tell if the water on his face was ocean or tears. "Which was scarier, Gerry—the fish or Dad?" (11.56)

Wow. You know you're in trouble when you're not sure if drowning is scarier than your own father.