The Great Wide Sea Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Even the way he looked had completely changed. He had wrinkles around his eyes. The gray in his hair shone in the dim morning light. (1.8)

Mr. Byron's appearance changes dramatically after the death of his wife. It ages him.

Quote #2

Everything had changed and there was nothing we could do about it. Two blocks away, a guy had run a red light. He had killed Mom. (1.45-1.46)

Mrs. Byron's death changes everything for her family. Then things change even more after that.

Quote #3

"What is the name of this boat again?" I asked.

"Chrysalis," Dylan said. (3.7-3.8)

Symbolism alert. In nature, a chrysalis is the vessel in which a caterpillar changes into a butterfly. In this book, it's the vessel in which boys become men (or, in Gerry's case, bigger boys).