The Great Wide Sea Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Below me were fathoms of darkness and strange, goggle-eyed fish. Above me were the stars and the expanding universe. How was I supposed to go to sleep? (8.28)

Ben suffers from insomnia throughout the trip. He often seems overwhelmed by his surroundings. And we can't blame him one single bit.

Quote #2

[We] walked closer to the wrecked boat. It was a sad sight. The port side of the hull had been crushed against a coral head. (11.9-11.10)

The wrecked ship foreshadows the shipwreck of the Chrysalis later in the novel. Dum dum dummm.

Quote #3

Dylan and Gerry stood on Chrysalis, looking into the water. I followed their gaze. Sharks. Not very big, but sharks. Three of them. (15.21)

Yep. Mother Nature is definitely trying to kill the Byron boys.