Lips Touch: Three Times Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She watched mischievously as his eyes swept the room, passed over her twice before finally fixing on her face with a flash of surprise. His startled brown eyes dropped to her shoulders, then down to her ankles and darted quickly back up to her face as a blush overspread his cheeks. (2.9.2)

Anamique's get-up for her eighteenth birthday party is meant to send the message that she's not some meek little girl who can't think for herself anymore. No, Anamique wants everyone to know that she's a smart, strong, sensual woman.

Quote #5

Something was happening to her. Something was building in her, rising. Her breath came faster. Her skin felt feverish. Eighteen years of calm were swept away in a sudden wild rush, like the monsoon floods that ravage mangrove islands and whisk tigers out to sea. (2.9.23)

So much for staying a calm silent girl. When Anamique realizes that even James is afraid of the curse, she snaps. She can't just stay silent and wonder if the curse is real for the rest of her life—she needs to know for once and for all.

Quote #6

Their wedding was small, just the two of them with Pranjivan—eternally shadowless now—and Anamique's parents and sisters, who recalled every moment of their strange resurrections. (2.12.1)

Anamique isn't the only one who comes out of Hell with a new perspective. All of her friends and family members remember dying and being resurrected again, and that has got to change things for them.