The Body of Christopher Creed Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Lyle's head turned […] Nobody's ever whispered anything to me. Nobody thinks I'm that important. (13.26)

With his new-found super-power as an understanding character, Torey reads Lyle's mind and sees that all outcasts want the same things: friends, acceptance, love.

Quote #8

Are you totally crazy or just in shock over being knifed in the back by your friends? (21.12)

Finally it is Torey's turn to question himself. Is he now the outcast? Then again, he decides not to care about what people think of him, so maybe the answer doesn't actually matter too much.

Quote #9

She gathered a great following at first, and I decided people love to believe evil s*** about other people. (23.33)

Ugh. Renee is the worst, right? Even after it's made clear that the body Torey finds belongs to Bob Haines, Renee garners a following her believes her assertion that Torey and Bo killed Chris. Sometimes people band together for good reasons, but sometimes it's just over a shared love of sensational gossip.